Integration (bulk admin)

The Integration Settings area of the MovoSuite interface includes:


FIGURE 19. Asset Integration and Data Ingestion

Excel Import

MovoSuite supports the following column values for Excel import and device naming. A sample template can be downloaded from here.

Column Name Purpose
Serial Number The serial number to match on.
Device Name The desired display name for the device.
Grades Optional. A backslash delimited list of grades this device is assigned to, e.g. ‘K\1\2’.
Room Optional. The room this device is assigned to.
Location Code Optional. The short code of the location this device is assigned to.
Device Groups Optional. A backslash delimited list of device groups this device belongs to, e.g. ‘Cart 1\Loaner Pool’. Requires the device is also assigned to a location as the device groups are bound to the location.
Staff Optional, currently unused. A 1 or a 0 indicating whether this device is a staff device (1 = yes).
Student Optional, currently unused. A 1 or a 0 indicating whether this device is a student device (1 = yes).
Asset Tag Optional. The asset tag for this device.

For the Excel Import, MovoSuite has two additional flags:

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