

FIGURE 10. Configuration - General

Self Service

Enable App Catalog Procurement Form

This option is enabled by default, but can be turned off. It shows or hides the Request App navigation entry.

Require Exact Match for Device Lookup

This option is deprecated, and will be removed in the future as it has been replaced by native support for Intune Role Based Access Control (RBAC).

Enable RBAC

When you check the Enable RBAC box under Configuration > General, MovoSuite filters the apps and devices shown to users in the self-service areas based on their permissions in Intune. You should enable Self-Service Tags and Groups if enabling this option, so that MovoSuite can create Scope Tags for each location, and groups for granting assignment.

Enable Self-Service Tags and Groups

If enabled, MovoSuite will provision an Intune role named MovoSuite - Self Service and associated self-service groups and assignments for each MovoSuite location. The permissions granted in this role are as follows:

Enable Field Tech Tags and Groups

If enabled, MovoSuite will provision an Intune role named MovoSuite - Field Tech and associated field tech groups and assignments for each MovoSuite location. The permissions granted in this role are as follows:

Use Two Stage Approval

If enabled, MovoSuite will send a second email to the global email address registered for deployment or purchase requests if a delegated approver (e.g. school principal) has approved the request.

Hide Billing Code

If enabled, MovoSuite will not show the billing code field in forms.

Billing Code Placeholder

Change the placeholder text for billing code fields to guide your users.


Configure the site-wide timezone. This is used when rendering times in emails, request history, and event logs.


Admin Group

There are two approaches to managing administrator access in MovoSuite:

The preferred way to manage administrator access in MovoSuite is via Azure AD role assignment. MovoSuite roles in Azure AD are:

To add user or group to MovoSuite roles in Azure Active Directory:


FIGURE 11. Adding Users or Groups to MovoSuite RBAC Roles

If not using MovoSuite Azure AD roles, you can choose to use Administrator Group assignment. Create a group for your MovoSuite administrators, and then select the group from the dropdown under Admin Group.

Apple App Store Country Code

The App Store country code selection is used to specify the locale for fetching app metadata. It defaults to CA (Canada).

Group Name Prefixes

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